var zpoblacion var zcp var zprovincia var zpais var ztipocliente var zdiafecha var zmesfecha var zyearfecha var anom; var sesion; var chkey; var chlog; var bck; var idcliente; var idrep; var carrocargado=false; function valorascci() { url="" url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: false, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { anom = e.responseText ; } } , onFailure: function(e) { alert('Error en la lectura de los datos'); } }); return false; } function showcontra(donde,idses,idanon) { $(donde).innerHTML = '
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\n"; ret=false; } if (chkey=="0"){ text = text+"La Clave introducida no es correcta.
\n"; ret=false; } if ($('privacidad').checked == false){ text = text+"Debe aceptar la politica de privacidad para seguir con el registro.
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" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
Si ha olvidado su contraseña, pulse aquí
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
>\" onClick=login('CENTRAL');>
" var l = document.location.href; var bc=l; //Primero hemos de quitar el idsesion y el idanonimo de la lista. if (l.indexOf("#") != -1){ var stri= l.substring(0,l.indexOf("#")); l=stri; } if (l.indexOf("&idsesion=") != -1){ var stri= l.substring(0,l.indexOf("&idsesion=")); l=stri; } //Y luego le añadimos el nuevo l=l+"&idsesion=&idanonimo="+anom; document.location.href=l; } function logoutusuario(donde) { var loadialog = "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" $(donde).innerHTML = "
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" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
>\" onClick=login('CENTRAL');>
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
Si ha olvidado su contraseña, pulse aquí
" quitardata(); } function logouttotal(donde) { var loadialog = "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" $(donde).innerHTML = "
" document.location.href='#'; sesion=""; $(donde).innerHTML ="
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" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
" $(donde).innerHTML = $(donde).innerHTML + "
Si ha olvidado su contraseña, pulse aquí
" var url="" url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $('CENTRAL').innerHTML=e.responseText ; recargarmenus(); } } }); quitardata(); var l = document.location.href; var bc=l; //Primero hemos de quitar el idsesion y el idanonimo de la lista. if (l.indexOf("#") != -1){ var stri= l.substring(0,l.indexOf("#")); l=stri; } if (l.indexOf("&idsesion=") != -1){ var stri= l.substring(0,l.indexOf("&idsesion=")); l=stri; } //Y luego le añadimos el nuevo l=l+"&idsesion=&idanonimo="+anom; document.location.href=""; } function writecalendar() { document.write(getCalendarStyles()); var cfecha = new CalendarPopup("divfecha"); cfecha.setTodayText("Hoy"); cfecha.setWeekStartDay(1); cfecha.setMonthNames("Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto","Septiembre","Octubre","Noviembre","Diciembre"); cfecha.setMonthAbbreviations("Ene","Feb","Mar","Abr","May","Jun","Jul","Ago","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dic"); cfecha.setDayHeaders("D","L","M","M","J","V","S"); } function setproducto(donde,cat,subcat,pagina,idses,idanon){ document.location.href='#'; //var loadialog = "" //loadialog = loadialog + "" //loadialog = loadialog + "" //loadialog = loadialog + "" //$('CENTRAL').innerHTML = "prueba"; var total = document.getElementsByName("sublp_"+donde); cerrartodomenuprincipal(); for (var i = 0; i 0 )) { addcarro(id,idsesion,idanonimo); document.getElementById('SHADE').style.display="block"; document.getElementById('ADDED').style.display="block"; document.getElementById('OVERADDED').style.display="block"; document.location.href='#'; } else { alert('La Cantidad solo puede ser un numero entero mayor de 0/ The Quantity must be an Integer Value and greater than 0'); } return false; } function eliminararticulo(id,idsesion,idanonimo) { document.getElementById('OVERADDED').style.display="block"; document.getElementById('ADDED').style.display="block"; document.getElementById('SHADE').style.display="block"; document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML="
¿Esta seguro de querer eliminar el articulo del carro?
" document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML=document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML+"
Are you sure that you want to delete this article?
" document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML= document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML + "
" document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML= document.getElementById('OVERADDED').innerHTML + "
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" url=""+idcliente+"&idsesion="+sesion+"&idanonimo="+idanon+"&id="+id url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $(donde).innerHTML = e.responseText; } } }); } function showlistaproductos(donde,que,cate,subcat,pagina,idses,idanon) { var loadialog = "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" $(donde).innerHTML = "
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" url=""+idcliente+"&idsesion="+sesion+"&idanonimo="+idanon url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $(donde).innerHTML = e.responseText; } } }); } function showmenutoptienda(donde,idses,idanon) { var loadialog = "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" $(donde).innerHTML = "
" url=""+idcliente+"&idsesion="+sesion+"&idanonimo="+idanon url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $(donde).innerHTML = e.responseText; } } }); } function showprint(donde,idses,idanon,numped) { var loadialog = "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" loadialog = loadialog + "" $(donde).innerHTML = "
" url=""+idcliente+"&idanonimo="+idanon+"&numped="+numped url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: false, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $(donde).innerHTML = e.responseText ;} else {alert('vacio')} } ,onFailure: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $(donde).innerHTML = url+'
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Modificar cantidad / Modify Quantity
"; $('OVERADDED').innerHTML=$('OVERADDED').innerHTML+"
"; $('OVERADDED').innerHTML=$('OVERADDED').innerHTML+"
Antigua Cantidad: "+cantidad+"
"; $('OVERADDED').innerHTML=$('OVERADDED').innerHTML+"
Nueva Cantidad:
"; $('OVERADDED').innerHTML=$('OVERADDED').innerHTML+"
"; $('OVERADDED').innerHTML=$('OVERADDED').innerHTML+"
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" url=""+id+"&opcion="+opcion+"&idsesion="+sesion+"&idanonimo="+anom; url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: function(e) { $('INTERIOR').innerHTML = e.responseText; } , onFailure: function(e) { $('INTERIOR').innerHTML = e.responseText; } }); return false; } function cargarencuestaret() { var url=""+sesion url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() alert(url); new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: false, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $('encuesta').innerHTML = e.responseText ; } } , onFailure: function(e) { alert('Error en la lectura de los datos'); } }); return false; } function shownoticias(p,a,grupo,subgrupo) { var loadialog = "cargando..." $('news').innerHTML = "
" var url=""+grupo+"&subgrupo="+subgrupo+"&pagina="+p+"&year="+a+"&sesion="+sesion url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: function(e) { if (e.responseText != "") { $('news').innerHTML = e.responseText ; } } , onFailure: function(e) { alert(e.responseText); } }); return false; } function visita(grupo,subgrupo) { var url=""+workidioma+"&subgrupo="+subgrupo+"&grupo="+grupo; url=url+"&sid="+Math.random() new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', asynchronous: true, onSuccess: function(e) { } , onFailure: function(e) { } }); return false; } function buscarnoticias(p,filtro) { url="" if (filtro=='1') { url=url+"&que="+$('buscarque').value; url=url+"&mes="+$('buscarmes').value; url=url+"&year="+$('buscaryear').value; url=url+"&cat="+$('buscarcat').value; } url=url+"&pagina="+p; url=url+"&filtro="+filtro; url=url+"&workidioma="+workidioma+"&idsesion="+sesion+"&idanonimo="+anom; url=url+"&sid="+Math.random(); $('resultadonoticias').innerHTML = '
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PVP: 45 €
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' $('imagengrande').innerHTML='
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